What a session looks like

Sessions are rooted in insight herbalism, with somatic experiencing and bodywork woven in with consent and where appropriate.
All in-person sessions are held in Nailsworth at Ruskin Apothecary, Ruskin Mill, Old Bristol Road, Nailsworth, Stroud GL6 0LA.
I also offer sessions online.
Before we meet
To begin with, I offer a free 20 minute chat over the phone to see how we can work together. Then, before we meet for the first session, I will send you an intake form for you to fill in and send back to me. I can email or post this you. ​
The session
The first session will partly be an assessment and will take 90 minutes, with subsequent sessions between 70-80 minutes. In the first session, we will go through your intake form, discuss any medical history, any medications you may be on and any other concerns to make sure I can work with you safely.
We will start the session with a brief chat to explore what you would like from our time together before diving into the plant work. I often lead clients in a gentle grounding meditation to help you settle and feel embodied in the space, this supports a sense of presence and awareness. I may integrate some simple SE grounding and resourcing practices into this.
From this place of landing, I will guide you into a meeting with a plant. We will most likely start with Rose, a foundational plant that has a particular affinity with the heart, supporting more conscious perception of what the heart feels, softening and opening to what is there.
As we take this plant path together, we will work with plants in different forms over time. A tea meditation in a core practice that can often be a profound meeting, and other plant preparations include tinctures, fresh plants, smokes, aromatic waters and oils.
Insight herbalism is a healing partnership between you, the plant and myself. My role is to be a support, guide and witness as you explore what needs to be attended to. SE can be woven into the plant meeting through somatic enquiry and paying attention to the subtle shifts in your body as your sensations, emotions and thoughts move through you. In all human, plant and animal relating, we are constantly, unconsciously tuning our nervous systems to each other. As part of the SE practice, I will use this nervous system resonance to feel into what would support you best in that moment.
Subtle Listening bodywork will be offered as an integral part of the session, with full consent, to help deepen and embody the plant meeting. I may place plants, a fresh rose for example, on you as we do this.
If movement is a pathway that you feel comfortable with, I will support you to bring some movement into a session to help process the plant work.
At the end of the session, we will spend some time integrating what has arisen so you feel safe, grounded and ready to go on with your day after the session. I recommend where possible, that you create some time for yourself before and after the session to give yourself time to process what has arisen.
The onward journey
For the plant work to be more effective, meeting regularly, every 3-4 weeks really deepens the process. I will also support you with some optional suggestions for working with plants, self-touch bodywork and movement in between sessions and am available for contact should have any questions or concerns.
I encourage rituals as part of this journey. Rituals potentise and deepen the plant teachings and help celebrate important personal thresholds. We can weave rituals into the work we do together, and I can also support you to develop your own ritual. Rituals can be simple, working with a specific theme or trauma wound and a plant, landscape and/or element.
Working online
Over the last few years I have worked with several people online and have been surprised at the powerful depths we can go. Working online allows wider access to this plant work to people in other parts of the country and other parts of the world. If you choose to journey with me online, I will post plant preparations to you in readiness for our sessions.
Standard rate: £65 for 75 minute session
Concessions (low-waged/on benefits): £45 for 75 minute session