Insight Herbalism Mentoring:
Animism as Remembrance
All the knowledge we need to live is present in the land… Our role is to learn from the land how to be a human...
The natural world as gift. Mindfulness, paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world.
Receiving the gifts with open eyes and open hearts. - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
- Khalil Gibran
As a qualified Insight Herbalist at the School of Intuitive Herbalism, I offer 1:1 mentoring sessions to support your process in collaboration with the Online Introduction to Intuitive Herbalism Course. These sessions can take place either online or in-person in Stroud. I also offer stand alone mentoring sessions.
Animism as an act of Remembrance
We each have an inherent legacy to commune with the land in this deep way. These sessions are a process of remembering this birthright of connection and reciprocity. Slowly, as we recall and reclaim these evolutionary skills of attention and listening, we remember who we are. As part of the ecosystem, we are intricately, intimately and joyfully woven together with the natural world, we cannot help but be affected by the plants we meet.
Working through the course material
I am excited to be a witness as you tread this beautiful path, to be a guide as you explore the doorways used in the course materials - The Three Cauldrons, The Triskele - Plant, Pilgrim, Server and to be a support as you integrate the thresholds and doorways that arise in your personal process.
Plants and personal process
From personal experience, I can say that this plant path of Intuitive Herbalism is a deep and soulful journey, that will take you to the inner depths of your wild authentic self, and to a deeper love and understanding of the wild, always-authentic natural world around us. This path of Rose and Dandelion, of Mugwort and Hawthorn, and of countless others, is a rich one.
This plant path becomes a way of living and being in the world, once you step onto this path of ancient connectedness, it will always be with you. I like to call this Divine Animism. I am passionate about supporting you to build a conscious thread of reciprocity and relationship with the more-than-human world, and for you to meet that primal part of yourself that has the capacity to be whole, to be mirrored, attuned and co-regulated with Nature through real embodied reconnection.
Through this work you will expand your animacy perception, tuning into your innate ability to feel and sense the aliveness of these other beings with your sensory bodies and your intuition. You will meet and build relationships with a selection of plants, developing different doorways to understand their qualities of love and connection. Through this process you may also learn what barriers to love and connection you carry within you. Ancestors and land spirits, animals and elements are also part of this larger divine web and as such also offer deep teachings.
Ritual & Ceremony
Ritual and ceremony are ways to mark important thresholds and life transitions, and ways to meet those deep trauma edges that may need more focused attention to be met. You may need to let go of an old story, or call a new one in, it may be around themes of grief, or about you reclaiming sovereignty. You can call in a ritual for a multitude of purposes, and no intention is too small.
I can support you to hone your intention through the plant meetings and help you create a medicine walk, pilgrimage or facilitate a ceremony to connect with the ancestors, land and elements. This can really potentise the thresholds you meet on this plant journey. I am increasingly working with crafting intentional objects from natural beings found on the land, using a variety of techniques including plant cordage, weaving, carving and pottery. These pieces can hold the energy of the intention for you, be a comfort and support, and become part of your own medicine bag.
In between sessions there is an invitation to do 21 day plant immersions, which I can support you with.
Remembrance mentoring support runs over 3 x 75 min sessions meeting once every 2-4 weeks, starting any time.
The investment is £180 for three sessions if paid in advance, or £65 per session.
Please contact me for more information.
Cleansing cloth in the river after a ceremony
Intentional ritual driftwood fire on the beach
Sit spot or 'temple' to develop a deeper relationship with a particular place
Ritual objects crafted with intention for use in ceremony
Dandelion ceremony